Businesses have a lot to think about, especially regarding best practices and upcoming trends in technology. Has your business been doing all it can to keep up? We’ve outlined some of the best IT innovations that we expect to see in 2018 as time goes on.
Security Worries
It should be clear that in today’s business world, security is everything. There are so many threats out there that one organization alone can’t possibly keep up with all of them, much to the chagrin of security companies. Most notable of these is the Internet of Things, a term used to refer to the collective body of mobile devices out there with interconnectivity features. Machine learning and improved methodologies have allowed organizations to better protect themselves from these emerging threats. Predictive technologies powered by machine learning have also greatly enhanced the ability of organizations to take on threats. Alongside new innovations like blockchain technology and the zero-knowledge proofs associated with it, machine learning will likely pave the way toward the future of security.
Big Data
Similarly, in order to make a meaningful impact on your business, you need to collect data that can be used to make educated decisions. There are plenty of sources out there that can help businesses acquire and accumulate data, if you know where to look. If your business utilizes solutions that allow it to collect and organize data, you’ll be able to make predictions about which decisions will most benefit your company over time. It can also help you make decisions based on trends in security, user experience, processes, and efficiency.
Artificial Intelligence
A.I. is the future of many business strategies. Since businesses today collect more information than any before them, A.I. can be the most efficient way to benefit from it. A.I. can help your business and its employees better manage both time and resources, and with this comes greater opportunity for innovation and savings to your bottom line. In essence, A.I. can potentially allow businesses to save time by automating redundant or time-consuming tasks, all while learning from the experience.
Artificial intelligence presents an interesting problem that businesses haven’t had to deal with to this moment--accountability. If something goes wrong and an A.I. does something illegal, who’s to blame? Issues like these, and many more, all need to be addressed before innovations can be leveraged to the best of their ability.
What are some of your most anticipated trends for the future of business technology? Let us know in the comments.
About the author
Michael is the CTO at Aniar IT Services and has been working in IT for over 20 years.
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